No longer a start-up ...

But we have the Spirit :)


  • Top Company Siegel 25
  • Top Company Siegel 24
  • Top Company Siegel

Involve! improve! impress!

Involve! Be involved in SOFHA's developments, feel empowered and proud of your contribution! Your voice matters!

Improve! highlights our commitment to continuous learning, promoting personal and educational growth to build the grounds of your career.

Impress! Fostering collaboration - encouraging excellence in the workplace!



SOFHA GmbH, founded in 1981, develops software products and technologies requiring high performance image processing solutions based on industry standards such as Adobe PostScript® and Adobe PDF Print Engine®. These technologies are covering high resolution image data handling and state of the art accurate color management at outperforming speeds.

As an OEM partner of leading professional production printer manufacturers, many of them located in Japan, SOFHA develops intelligent print workflow solutions, controlling the whole print production process using the JDF/JMF standard as well as artificial intelligence. The operating system is Linux whereas the user interfaces are Windows- and Macintosh applications as well as web-based applications. Additionally, SOFHA offers consulting and development services up to market-ready turnkey products for the broad range of customer-required solutions.


We offer…

… an outstanding work environment consisting of an international team of roughly 50 people. Besides Germany your future colleagues are stemming from Brazil, China, Finland, France, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Ghana, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA and Vietnam. Our office is located close to Gesundbrunnen, right in the center of Berlin with excellent public transportation connections into all directions. For all new employees whose mother tongue isn’t German we offer intensive German courses after work, (after-work Billard parties as well :-).


The software development process has some “agile” elements, however due to the very close cooperation with our partners and customers in their development processes, the observation of mutually agreed upon release dates is a must. Nevertheless, our motto is “Quality First” which means that any decision, acknowledgement, and promise must comply with this approach. We are using Jira for error reporting, development/bug fixing time estimation, release planning, and time tracking, and we are using MS Teams for the internal communication. Our development team must review other developer’s software design and code and get their own design and code reviewed before checking-in. All development and QA team members participate in daily stand-up-meetings and the weekly sprint planning.


After having succesfully passed the probation time, we offer you to work 60% (3 days/week) from home. Furthermore, we support environmental-friendly behaviour with a funding of 15 € monthly for public transportation subscriptions and bicycle-leasing, plus! we are additionally offering you 40 € for a membership in “Urban Sport Club”. We prioritize work-life balance and strive to minimize overtime hours whenever possible, therefore we value your contribution to our team in achieving this goal!


Our hobbies are (not surprisingly) playing Billard, table tennis, travelling, jogging, bouldering, dog parenting, hiking, surfing, making music, bicycling, going to movie theatres, gaming, gardening, dancing, cooking, experimenting with distilling alcoholic spirits, speedy cars, motorbikes and lots of nerd stuff of course….. One of our dogs is always hanging around loving to be hugged or played with. Alternatively, if you need a bit of exercise, you surely will find someone to play a round of table tennis with you.


If you want to join the “gang”, and you are ready to contribute with your skills to our team, we are looking forward to receiving your application and your CV, diplomas and certificates!

SOFHA GmbH • Mona Hansen • Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 • 13355 Berlin • E-Mail:

Our Vacancies

For our ongoing developments we are looking for full time software engineers and quality assurance staff (m/f), as well as IT systems administrators; Very good English language skills are mandatory; German language skills are welcome.

Human Resources Specialist (m/f/d)

(Full time)

Your Tasks

  • Oversee the end-to-end recruitment process, ensuring to attract top and retain top talent.

  • Maintain accurate records of feedback and recruitment activities, ensuring compliance with German labor laws and SOFHA internal policies.

  • Provide guidance and support to managers on effective feedback delivery and candidate evaluation.

  • Support fair and competitive compensation plans and remuneration strategies that motivate and retain our team members.

  • Stay updated on HR best practices


Your Profile

  • Education or experience in Human Resource Management.

  • Proficiency in MS Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

  • You have outstanding communication and interpersonal skills with a collaborative approach.

  • Familiarity with German labor laws and recruitment regulations.

  • You possess a strong command of German and English, with excellent verbal and written skills in both languages.


Human Resources Specialist (m/f/d)


Ihre Aufgaben

  • Überwachung des gesamten Rekrutierungsprozesses und Sicherstellung der Gewinnung und Bindung von Spitzenkräften.

  • Sie führen genaue Aufzeichnungen über Feedback- und Rekrutierungsaktivitäten und stellen Sie sicher, dass die deutschen Arbeitsgesetze und die internen Richtlinien von SOFHA eingehalten werden.

  • Anleitung und Unterstützung von Managern bei der effektiven Durchführung von Feedback und der Bewertung von Kandidaten.

  • Unterstützung fairer und wettbewerbsfähiger Vergütungspläne und Vergütungsstrategien, die unsere Teammitglieder motivieren und an das Unternehmen binden.

  • Sie halten sich über bewährte Verfahren und Trends im Personalwesen auf dem Laufenden, um Rekrutierungs- und Mitarbeiterbindungsprozesse zu verbessern.


Ihre Profile

  • Ausbildung oder Erfahrung im Bereich Human Resource Management.

  • Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office, einschließlich Word, Excel und PowerPoint.

  • Sie verfügen über hervorragende kommunikative und zwischenmenschliche Fähigkeiten und verfolgen kooperative Strategien.

  • Vertrautheit mit dem deutschen Arbeitsrecht und den Einstellungsvorschriften.

  • Sie beherrschen die deutsche und englische Sprache sehr gut und verfügen über ausgezeichnete mündliche und schriftliche Fähigkeiten in beiden Sprachen.


Application-Developer (C++)

Your Tasks

  • Software design based on customer requirements.

  • Implementation/integration into our existing Windows and macOS applications and drivers using C++, Visual Studio and XCode.

  • Develop simulators and mock-ups for test automation to mimic system components of high-speed, high-quality, professional printers.


Your Profile

  • Good knowledge of C++ 14 (and later).

  • Good knowledge of Windows API, or Cocoa with Objective-C, or wxWidgets.

  • Excellent knowledge of common software design patterns and anti-patterns.


WEB-DEVELOPER (Javascript)

Your Tasks

  • Software design based on customer requirements;

  • Implementation/integration into our existing single-page web application using JavaScript and Visual Code;

  • Develop simulators and mock-ups for test automation to mimic system components of high-speed, high-quality, professional printers.


Your Profile

  • Good knowledge of AngularJS;

  • Good knowledge of HTML/CSS;

  • Excellent knowledge of common software-UX-design-patterns.



Your Tasks

  • Software design based on customer requirements.

  • Implementation/integration into our existing Linux system using C++.

  • Interfacing with printers such as high-speed digital inkjet presses,

  • Development of the web backend,

  • Maintenance and optimization of the Linux system.

  • Processing of page description languages such as PDF, PostScript, JDF, JMF.


Your Profile

  • Excellent knowledge of C++ programming

  • Very good knowledge of the Linux operating system

  • Excellent knowledge of common software design patterns and anti-patterns.



Your Tasks

  • Performing print tests out of various applications

  • Creation and processing of test plans according to software function specifications

  • Statement of test results in the agile software development management tool “Jira” in English

  • Setup and configuring of Windows- and Macintosh-Systems as test platforms

  • Setup and configuration of virtual machines

  • Setup and configuration of software simulators of digital print equipment

  • Operating digital printers.


Your Profile

  • Good knowledge of PC and/or Macintosh hardware and software

  • Firm with software applications (Microsoft365, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator)

  • Knowledge of network components and network protocols, client-server-systems 

  • Good command of the English language
  • Preferably IT specialist/technician or equal work experiences in the field of quality assurance of software products.


Head of IT Administration (Linux and Sharepoint)

Your Tasks

  • Maintaining and updating Linux file servers.

  • Responsible for mail server, user/user group management.

  • Administering of Sharepoint Sites include access.

  • Access level management and documentation.

  • Ensure data security and integrity.

  • Roll-out of security updates.

  • Maintaining server hardware.

  • Management of back-ups and synchronization.

  • Management and documentation of the network infrastructure and keeping it up-to-date.

  • Executing vulnerability tests.

  • Writing a FAQ for our internal Wiki.

  • Maintaining and configuring our internal Jira server - guide movement to Jira cloud services.


Your Profile

  • Excellent English skills

  • Expert-level know-how of Linux systems

  • Good command of Jira

  • Expert for network components and network protocols as well as client-server-systems

  • Reliable team player with good & precise communication skills


(Ausbildung zur/zum)

Kauffrau/Kaufmann für Büromanagement

(diese Ausschreibung gilt sowohl für erfahrene Büromanager/innen als auch für alle Menschen, die bei uns eine Ausbildung machen möchten)


Deine Aufgaben

  • Geschäftskorrespondenz mit MS Outlook und MS Word (Microsoft365)
  • Gestaltung effizienter Prozesse einschließlich Dokumentation
  • Umfassende Vorbereitung von Projekten und Entscheidungen einschließlich Dokumentation
  • HR: Unterstützung bei Gewinnung, Onboarding, Integration und Förderung der besten Talente
  • Rechnungslegung und Verwaltung der offenen Posten
  • Banking und Cashflow Management
  • Budgetverantwortung für die Beschaffung von Bürogeräten, Materialien und Softwarelizenzen
  • Zuständigkeit für das Inventar
  • Vorbereitung und Buchung von Geschäftsreisen, Messen und sonstigen Veranstaltungen
  • Verwaltung der Gruppenkalender von MS Teams
  • Führen der Urlaubslisten bzw. der Abwesenheitslisten und Krankenstände


Dein Profil als Azubi

  • Mittlerer Schulabschluss oder (Fach-)Abitur
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und grundlegende/ausbaufähige Englischkenntnisse
  • Basiswissen im Umgang mit Microsoft 365 Applikationen wie Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint und Teams


Dein Profil als Kauffrau für Büromanagement

  • Kaufmännische Ausbildung oder Bachelor in Business Administration oder mindestens drei Jahre Berufserfahrung als Office-Manager/in
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
  • Sicherer Umgang mit Microsoft 365 Applikationen sowie Adobe Acrobat
  • Ein zusätzliches Plus wären vertiefte Kenntnisse im Bereich HR oder Buchhaltung/Controlling

Specification Team Member

Your Tasks

  • Creating and managing product specifications (MadCap Flare).

  • Use Jira to create and manage product specification tasks.

  • Collaborate with frontend and backend developers to gather technical requirements and document them effectively.

  • Work with quality assurance specialists to update specifications based on testing feedback and system improvements.
  • Ensure the quality standards of the documentation using our own authoring guide.

  • Use tools like Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel and Greenshot to design visual elements
  • Ensure the publication of technical specifications adheres to release schedules.

  • Maintain accuracy and completeness in all types of documentation.


Your Profile

  • University degree in computer science or a related field, or equivalent experience in technical documentation (Tekom Certification preferred).

  • Strong command of the English language. German language command is a plus.

  • Minimalistic writing style using structured authoring principles to maximize content reusability.
  • Technical writing experience is definitely a plus.

  • Experience with CMS, CSS and XML-based authoring tools is desired (MadCap Flare).
  • You are proactive in reaching out to colleagues across the company, both face to face and remotely.

We look forward to receiving your application

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